Windows Phone

Programming Windows Phone 7 : Capturing from the Camera

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2/16/2011 5:57:52 PM
Besides embedding bitmaps in your application or accessing them from the web, Windows Phone 7 also allows you to acquire images from the built-in camera.

Your application has no control over the camera itself. For reasons of security, your program cannot arbitrarily snap a picture, or “see” what’s coming through the camera lens. Your application basically invokes a standard camera utility, the user points and shoots, and the picture is returned back to your program.

The classes you use for this job are in the Microsoft.Phone.Tasks namespace, which contains several classes referred to as choosers and launchers. Conceptually, these are rather similar, except that choosers return data to your program but launchers do not.

The CameraCaptureTask is derived from the generic ChooserBase class which defines a Completed event and a Show method. Your program attaches a handler for the Completed event and calls Show. When the Completed event handler is called, the PhotoResult event argument contains a Stream object to the photo. From there, you already know what to do.

The SilverlightTapToShoot program contains an Image element in the content grid of its MainPage.xaml file. Here’s the entire code-behind file:

Example 1. Silverlight Project: SilverlightTapToShoot File: MainPage.xaml.cs
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using Microsoft.Phone.Controls;
using Microsoft.Phone.Tasks;

namespace SilverlightTapToShoot
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
CameraCaptureTask camera = new CameraCaptureTask();;

public MainPage()

camera.Completed += OnCameraCaptureTaskCompleted;

protected override void OnManipulationStarted(ManipulationStartedEventArgs

args.Handled = true;

void OnCameraCaptureTaskCompleted(object sender, PhotoResult args)
if (args.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK)
BitmapImage bmp = new BitmapImage();
img.Source = bmp;

You can run this program on the phone emulator. When you tap the emulator screen, the call to Show causes the camera task to start up and you’ll navigate to a page that resembles the actual camera. You can “shoot” a photo by tapping an icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. The simulated “photo” just looks like a large white square with a small black square inside one of the edges. Then you need to click the Accept button.

You can also run this program on the phone itself, of course, but not when the phone is tethered to the PC and the Zune software is running. After deploying the application to the phone using Visual Studio, you’ll need to close the Zune software before testing the program.

If you need to use Visual Studio to debug an application that uses the camera while the application is running on the phone, you can use a little command-line program called WPDTPTConnect32.exe or WPDTPTConnect64.exe (depending on whether your development machine is 32-bit or 64-bit). These program is an alternative to the Zune software for allowing the Visual Studio debugger to control your program as it’s running on the phone. The Zune software must be closed before you use these programs.

In either case, when you press the Accept button, the camera goes away and the program’s OnCameraCaptureTaskCompleted method takes over. It creates a BitmapImage object, sets the input stream from args.ChoosenPhoto, and then sets the BitmapImage object to the Image element, displaying the photo on the screen.

The whole process seems fairly straightforward. Conceptually it seems as if the program is spawning the camera process, and then resuming control when that camera process terminates.

However, the Windows Phone 7 documentation that I’m consulting warns that this is not the case. There’s something else going on that is not so evident at first and which you will probably find somewhat unnerving.

When the SilverlightTapToShoot program calls the Show method on the CameraCaptureTask object, the SilverlightTapToShoot program is terminated. (Not immediately, though. The OnManipulationStarted method is allowed to return back to the program, and a couple other events are fired, but then the program is definitely terminated.)

The camera utility then runs. When the camera utility has done its job, the SilverlightTapToShoot program is re-executed. It’s a new instance of the program. The program starts up from the beginning, the MainPage constructor is eventually called which sets the Completed event of the CameraCaptureTask to OnCameraCaptureTaskCompleted, and then that method is called.

For these reasons, the documentation advises that when you use a chooser or launcher such as CameraCaptureTask, the object must be defined as a field, and the handler for the Completed event must be attached in the program’s constructor, and as late in the constructor as possible because once the handler is attached when the program starts up again, it will be called.

This termination and re-execution of your program is a characteristic of Windows Phone 7 programming call tombstoning. When the program is terminated as the camera task begins, sufficient information is retained by the phone operating system to start the program up again when the camera finishes. However, not enough information is retained to restore the program entirely to its pre-tombstone state. That’s your responsibility.

Running a launcher or chooser is one way tombstoning can occur. But it also occurs when the user leaves your program by pressing the Start button on the phone. Eventually the user could return to your program by pressing the Back button, and your program needs to be re-executed from its tombstoned state. Tombstoning also takes place when a lack of activity on the phone causes it to go into a lock state.

Tombstoning does not occur when your program is running and the user presses the Back button. The Back button simply terminates the program normally.

When tombstoning occurs, obviously you’ll want to save some of the state of your program so you can restore that state when the program starts up again, and obviously Windows Phone 7 has facilities to help you out.

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